Why should I participate?

Hiring the right talent quickly, is beneficial to everyone on the team, in many different ways.

It creates a better work culture, helps maintain a competitive advantage, increases creativity, employee retention, as well as many other benefits that come with having the best teammates.

Not to mention how important it is for your own growth to work with great people.

Great people usually already have jobs somewhere else, but you reaching out to them can convince them to join your company, either now or later, instead of pursuing other opportunities that might come up.

So what else is in it for you?

  • Help your team find and hire better talent faster, which helps you grow, stay ahead of the competition and improve your work-life balance.
  • Earn incentives that you can redeem on useful and enticing things/experiences.
  • Help your contacts get a better job. If they’re not interested, they usually know someone who is and are happy you thought of them.
  • Lower the chance of a bad hire, increase the probability of good hires and save yourself time on hiring activities.
  • Have a searchable database of all your contacts across all your social address books in one place.
  • Easily stay in touch with your contacts


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